When businesses get equipment financing, it is usually to make their business more productive and profitable. An equipment financing loan icon that illustrates the concept by using the classic “wrench” icon in combination with a tractor. I’ve used the tractor because it is a very specific type of equipment, mostly used in farming. The tractor…
Tag: loan
How much loan money is needed for business growth
Borrowing money is one of the most common sources of funding for a small business. This EPS vector format file, illustrates two different quantities of money and a business man’s hand trying to reach for it. Most start-up businesses look for financing from family, friends and credit cards, therefore, I didn’t include bank icons but…
Business Plan Folder, Loan Application Document And Stack Of Money Vectors
This image consists of three vectors that include, a business plan folder, a loan application document and a stack of hundred dollar bills. All three are individually grouped and can be separated in a vector application. The image illustrates the financial part of a business plan. The combination of the three images conveys the process…